
28 May: Loose Ends

As I was getting ready to leave this morning, I realized that I had spent the entirety of yesterday lollygagging and had not accomplished any of the few things I needed to. I decided that before leaving Wenatchee I had to: 1) Bear-proof my food in some manner; and 2) Mail several bulky and thus-far unused items home to myself, and mail to Meghan the CD's I've been needlessly carrying around with me for nearly a week.

I figured I'd take care of all this stuff and then hit the road, but upon further consideration I decided that I did not want to begin my day walking down the road in 80-degree heat; I'd rather wait a day and get started in the coolness of 7:00 AM. In other worfs, one more day in Wenatchee.

And aside from restocking on food, I've completed my tasks for the day, so the rest of the day is mine!

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