
Pedestrian Crossing FAQ

Do you have burning questions about my coast-to-coast trip across the United States? They may be answered here!

Q: Are you crazy?

A: Yes. Absolutely, positively, bonkers. Off my rockers. Nutso. Completely delusional.

Q: Why are you doing this?

A: See previous Q & A.

But here's the long, serious answer:

I've wanted to do this for years. Back when I was living with Matt in Mankato and working overnights at the LeHillier QuickMart, I used to walk home in the morning along old Highway 69, and as I would start down the hill past Van's Auto Parts, a thought would often occur to me: What if I just kept going? What if I walked past the turn onto Reno Street and walked to the end of 69, wandered over to 169-south, or crossed onto 68-west, and kept walking? I would call in a few days and let everyone know I was okay.

Then I read a book called Kindness of Strangers, by Mike McIntyre. He hitchhiked across the States and his premise was different than mine, but it was still inspirational. Ever since I read that book, I've wanted to do this walk. But I've always had something going on during summers that stopped me. Finally, this summer, I don't.

Q: How long will it take?

A: About 5-1/2 months.

Q: How many miles is the trip?

A: About 3,500 miles, of which about 2,550 will be walking and 950 hitchiking.

Q: How far will you walk each day?

A: My average mileage will be between 17 and 24 miles. The distance I walk on a given day depends on how I feel that day, as well as my proximity to towns.

Q: Where will you stay?

A: In towns where there are CouchSurfers (, I am requesting their hospitality. In towns where there are not, I am experimenting. My hope is to find people who will let me set my tent up in their yard for the night.

Q: What kind of shoes are you taking?

A: Merrel light-weight hiking boots.

Q: How are you paying for it?

A: Savings. But it's only numbers, an abstract representation of money in a bank, so don't mug me – it won't be worth your time.

Q: Where will you stay?

A: In towns where there are CouchSurfers (, I am requesting their hospitality. In towns where there are not, I am experimenting. My hope is to find people who will let me set my tent up in their yard for the night.

Q: Are you taking your computer?

A: No.

Q: Are you taking your iPod?

A: No.

Q: Are you going to shave your beard to appear less “sketchy?”

A: NO!

Q: Can you send me a post card?

A: Probably not, but I'll try.

Q: Can I send you a post card?

A: You sure can. Email me to find out how.

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